Edukira joan lankidearen ekarpenak

Ekarpenentzako bilaketaZabalduItxi

7 urria 2019

  • 08:0808:08, 7 urria 2019 ezb hist +258 B Eztabaida:medflyt Orria sortu da. Edukia: I don't know Basque, but the IP that created this page is now globally blocked for cross-wiki abuse, so it seems very likely that all od the information in this article is...
  • 08:0708:07, 7 urria 2019 ezb hist +258 B Eztabaida:Boterfre Orria sortu da. Edukia: I don't know Basque, but the IP that created this page is now globally blocked for cross-wiki abuse, so it seems very likely that all od the information in this article is...