Txantiloi:All system messages
MediaWikin erabiltzen diren mezu guztien zerrenda. Mesedez bisitatu MediaWiki eta translatewiki.net orrialdeak MediaWikira ekarpenak egin badituzu.
Name |
Default text |
Current text | ||||
$1 moved to $2 | ||||||
/* edit this file to customize the monobook skin for the entire site */ |
/* Hemen idatzitako CSS kodeak Monobook itxuran bakarrik izango du eragina */ | |||||
About |
buruz | |||||
Wiktionary:About |
Wiktionary:Wiktionaryri_buruz | |||||
About Wiktionary |
⧼Aboutwikipedia⧽ | |||||
+ |
⧼Accesskey-addsection⧽ | |||||
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⧼Accesskey-anontalk⧽ | |||||
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⧼Accesskey-anonuserpage⧽ | |||||
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⧼Accesskey-article⧽ | |||||
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v | |||||
<accesskey-contributions> |
⧼Accesskey-contributions⧽ | |||||
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⧼Accesskey-currentevents⧽ | |||||
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⧼Accesskey-delete⧽ | |||||
e |
⧼Accesskey-edit⧽ | |||||
<accesskey-emailuser> |
⧼Accesskey-emailuser⧽ | |||||
<accesskey-help> |
⧼Accesskey-help⧽ | |||||
h |
⧼Accesskey-history⧽ | |||||
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⧼Accesskey-logout⧽ | |||||
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⧼Accesskey-mytalk⧽ | |||||
<accesskey-portal> |
⧼Accesskey-portal⧽ | |||||
<accesskey-preferences> |
⧼Accesskey-preferences⧽ | |||||
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<accesskey-sitesupport> |
⧼Accesskey-sitesupport⧽ | |||||
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⧼Accesskey-specialpage⧽ | |||||
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⧼Accesskey-specialpages⧽ | |||||
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⧼Accesskey-talk⧽ | |||||
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⧼Accesskey-undelete⧽ | |||||
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⧼Accesskey-unwatch⧽ | |||||
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⧼Accesskey-userpage⧽ | |||||
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⧼Accesskey-viewsource⧽ | |||||
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⧼Accesskey-watchlist⧽ | |||||
b |
⧼Accesskey-whatlinkshere⧽ | |||||
The Password for '$1' has been sent to $2. |
$1-entzako ausaz sortutako pasahitza $2-(r)a bidali da. pasahitz aldaketa orrialdean alda daiteke, behin barruan sartuta. | |||||
Password sent. |
Pasahitza bidali da. | |||||
Action complete |
Ekintza burutu da | |||||
Added to watchlist |
⧼Addedwatch⧽ | |||||
The page "$1" has been added to your [[Special:Watchlist|watchlist]]. Future changes to this page and its associated Talk page will be listed there, and the page will appear '''bolded''' in the [[Special:Recentchanges|list of recent changes]] to make it easier to pick out. <p>If you want to remove the page from your watchlist later, click "Stop watching" in the sidebar. |
"$1" eta haren eztabaida orria zure jarraipen zerrendara erantsi da. Orri honetan aurrerantzean egindako aldaketak zerrenda horretan agertuko dira. | |||||
+ |
+ | |||||
Wiktionary:Administrators |
⧼Administrators⧽ | |||||
I affirm that the copyright holder of this file agrees to license it under the terms of the $1. |
⧼Affirmation⧽ | |||||
all |
⧼All⧽ | |||||
All system messages |
Mezu_guztiak | |||||
This is a list of all system messages available in the MediaWiki: namespace. |
MediaWikin erabiltzen diren mezu guztien zerrenda. Mesedez bisitatu MediaWiki eta translatewiki.net orrialdeak MediaWikira ekarpenak egin badituzu. | |||||
All pages |
Orri guztiak | |||||
$1 to $2 |
⧼Alphaindexline⧽ | |||||
<font color=red><b>User $1, you are already logged in!</b></font><br /> |
⧼Alreadyloggedin⧽ | |||||
Cannot rollback last edit of [[$1]] by [[User:$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Talk]]); someone else has edited or rolled back the page already. Last edit was by [[User:$3|$3]] ([[User talk:$3|Talk]]). |
Ezin da $2 (eztabaida | ekarpenak) wikilariak «$1» orrian egindako azken aldaketa desegin; beste norbaitek editatu edo desegin du jadanik. Azken aldaketa $3 (eztabaida | ekarpenak) wikilariak egin du. | |||||
Oldest pages |
Orri zaharrak | |||||
and |
eta | |||||
Talk for this IP |
Eztabaida | |||||
''This is the discussion page for an anonymous user who has not created an account yet or who does not use it. We therefore have to use the numerical [[IP address]] to identify him/her. Such an IP address can be shared by several users. If you are an anonymous user and feel that irrelevant comments have been directed at you, please [[Special:Userlogin|create an account or log in]] to avoid future confusion with other anonymous users.'' |
Orrialde hau konturik sortu ez edo erabiltzen ez duen erabiltzaile anonimo baten eztabaida orria da. Bere IP helbidea erabili beharko da beraz identifikatzeko. Erabiltzaile batek baino gehiagok IP bera erabil dezakete ordea. Erabiltzaile anonimoa bazara eta zurekin zerikusirik ez duten mezuak jasotzen badituzu, mesedez Izena eman edo saioa hasi etorkizunean horrelakoak gerta ez daitezen. | |||||
Anonymous user(s) of Wiktionary |
Wiktionary(e)ko lankide anonimoak | |||||
Content page |
Eduki-orria | |||||
A page of that name already exists, or the name you have chosen is not valid. Please choose another name. |
Izen hori duen artikulu bat badago edo hautatutako izena ez da baliozkoa. Mesedez, beste izen bat aukeratu. | |||||
View content page |
⧼Articlepage⧽ | |||||
SQL query |
⧼Asksql⧽ | |||||
Use the form below to make a direct query of the database. Use single quotes ('like this') to delimit string literals. This can often add considerable load to the server, so please use this function sparingly. |
⧼Asksqltext⧽ | |||||
Autoblocked because you share an IP address with "$1". Reason "$2". |
"$1"(e)k berriki erabili duen IP helbidea duzulako autoblokeatu zaizu. $1(e)k emandako arrazoia zera da: "$2" | |||||
This action cannot be performed on this page. |
Ekintza hori ezin da orri honetan egin. | |||||
Image name has been changed to "$1". |
Irudiaren izena aldatu da: "$1". | |||||
".$1" is not a recommended image file format. |
⧼Badfiletype⧽ | |||||
Invalid IP address |
Baliogabeko IP helbidea | |||||
Badly formed search query |
⧼Badquery⧽ | |||||
We could not process your query. This is probably because you have attempted to search for a word fewer than three letters long, which is not yet supported. It could also be that you have mistyped the expression, for example "fish and and scales". Please try another query. |
⧼Badquerytext⧽ | |||||
The passwords you entered do not match. |
Idatzitako pasahitzak ez dira berdinak. | |||||
Bad title |
Izenburu ezegokia | |||||
The requested page title was invalid, empty, or an incorrectly linked inter-language or inter-wiki title. |
Eskatutako orri izenburua ez da baliozkoa, hutsik dago, edo gaizki hizkuntzen nahiz wikien arteko esteka okerra da. Baliteke izenburuetan erabili ezin den karaktereren bat edukitzea. | |||||
(Main) |
(Nagusia) | |||||
Your user name or IP address has been blocked by $1. The reason given is this:<br />''$2''<p>You may contact $1 or one of the other [[Wiktionary:Administrators|administrators]] to discuss the block. Note that you may not use the "email this user" feature unless you have a valid email address registered in your [[Special:Preferences|user preferences]]. Your IP address is $3. Please include this address in any queries you make. |
Zure erabiltzaile izena edo IP helbidea $1(e)k blokeatu du. Emandako arrazoia honako hau da: $2 $1 edo Wikipediako beste administratzaile batekin harremanetan jarri beharko zinateke zure blokeoa eztabaidatzeko. Kontuan izan ezingo duzula "Erabiltzaile honi e-posta bidali" aukera erabili zure Hobespenetan baliozko e-posta helbide bat definitu ezean. Zure IP helbidea $3 da. Mesedez, edozein kontsulta egiterakoan, helbide hori aipatu. | |||||
User is blocked |
Erabiltzailea blokeatuta dago | |||||
Block user |
Blokeatu erabiltzailea | |||||
Block succeeded |
Blokeoa burutu da | |||||
"$1" has been blocked. <br />See [[Special:Ipblocklist|IP block list]] to review blocks. |
$1 blokeatua izan da. | |||||
Use the form below to block write access from a specific IP address or username. This should be done only only to prevent vandalism, and in accordance with [[Wiktionary:Policy|policy]]. Fill in a specific reason below (for example, citing particular pages that were vandalized). |
IP helbide edo erabiltzaile izen bati idazketa baimenak kentzeko beheko formularioa erabil dezakezu. Ekintza hau bandalismoa saihesteko baino ez da burutu behar, eta beti ere politikak errespetatuz. Blokeoaren arrazoi bat ere zehaztu ezazu (adibidez, orrialde batzuk zehaztuz). IP helbideak CIDR syntax; the largest allowed range is /$1 for IPv4 and /$2 for IPv6. erabiliz blokeatu ditzakezu. | |||||
block |
blokeatu | |||||
$1, $2 blocked $3 (expires $4) |
⧼Blocklistline⧽ | |||||
blocked "$1" with an expiry time of $2 |
blocked $1 with an expiration time of $2 $3 | |||||
Block_log |
Blokeo erregistroa | |||||
This is a log of user blocking and unblocking actions. Automatically blocked IP addresses are not be listed. See the [[Special:Ipblocklist|IP block list]] for the list of currently operational bans and blocks. |
Erabiltzaileen blokeoen ezarpen eta ezabaketen erregistroa da hau. Automatikoki blokeatutako IP helbideak ez dira zerrendatzen. Ikus blokeoen zerrenda aktibo dauden blokeoak eta debekuak aztertzeko. | |||||
Bold text |
Lodia | |||||
Bold text |
Lodia | |||||
Book sources |
Iturri liburuak | |||||
Below is a list of links to other sites that sell new and used books, and may also have further information about books you are looking for.Wiktionary is not affiliated with any of these businesses, and this list should not be construed as an endorsement. |
⧼Booksourcetext⧽ | |||||
Broken Redirects |
Hautsitako birzuzenketak | |||||
The following redirects link to a non-existing pages. |
Ondorengo birbideratze hauek existitzen ez diren orrietara bideratuta daude: | |||||
Bug reports |
⧼Bugreports⧽ | |||||
Wiktionary:Bug_reports |
⧼Bugreportspage⧽ | |||||
Bureaucrat_log |
⧼Bureaucratlog⧽ | |||||
Rights for user "$1" set "$2" |
⧼Bureaucratlogentry⧽ | |||||
The action you have requested can only be performed by sysops with "bureaucrat" status. |
⧼Bureaucrattext⧽ | |||||
Bureaucrat access required |
⧼Bureaucrattitle⧽ | |||||
by date |
dataren arabera | |||||
by name |
⧼Byname⧽ | |||||
by size |
⧼Bysize⧽ | |||||
The following is a cached copy of the requested page, and may not be up to date. |
⧼Cachederror⧽ | |||||
Cancel |
Bertan behera utzi | |||||
Could not delete the page or image specified. (It may have already been deleted by someone else.) |
Ezin izan da «$1» orria edo fitxategia ezabatu. Baliteke beste norbaitek ezabatu izana. | |||||
Cannot revert edit; last contributor is only author of this page. |
Ezin da aldaketa desegin; erabiltzaile bakarrak hartu du parte. | |||||
Categories |
Kategoriak | |||||
category |
⧼Category⧽ | |||||
Articles in category "$1" |
«$1» kategoriako orriak | |||||
Change password |
Pasahitza aldatu | |||||
changes |
⧼Changes⧽ | |||||
Columns |
⧼Columns⧽ | |||||
(comment) |
⧼Commentedit⧽ | |||||
Compare selected versions |
Alderatu hautatutako bertsioak | |||||
Confirm |
Baieztatu | |||||
Yes, I really want to delete this. |
⧼Confirmcheck⧽ | |||||
Confirm delete |
⧼Confirmdelete⧽ | |||||
You are about to permanently delete a page or image along with all of its history from the database. Please confirm that you intend to do this, that you understand the consequences, and that you are doing this in accordance with [[Wiktionary:Policy]]. |
Orrialde edo irudi bat eta beste historia guztia datu-basetik ezabatzear zaude. Mesedez, egiaztatu hori egin nahi duzula, ondorioak zeintzuk diren badakizula, eta politikak errespetatuz egingo duzula. | |||||
Confirm protection |
⧼Confirmprotect⧽ | |||||
Do you really want to protect this page? |
⧼Confirmprotecttext⧽ | |||||
Confirm unprotection |
⧼Confirmunprotect⧽ | |||||
Do you really want to unprotect this page? |
⧼Confirmunprotecttext⧽ | |||||
Characters of context per line |
⧼Contextchars⧽ | |||||
Lines to show per hit |
⧼Contextlines⧽ | |||||
contribs |
ekarpenak | |||||
For $1 |
⧼Contribsub⧽ | |||||
User contributions |
Lankidearen ekarpenak | |||||
Content is available under $1. |
- | |||||
Wiktionary:Copyrights |
Wiktionary:Eskubideak | |||||
Wiktionary copyright |
⧼Copyrightpagename⧽ | |||||
Please note that all contributions to Wiktionary are considered to be released under the GNU Free Documentation License (see $1 for details). If you don't want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed at will, then don't submit it here.<br /> You are also promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a public domain or similar free resource. <strong>DO NOT SUBMIT COPYRIGHTED WORK WITHOUT PERMISSION!</strong> |
Mesedez, egin kontu Wiktionary-ri egindako ekarpen guztiak GNU Dokumentazio aske Lizentziaren barnean egin dela suposatzen dela (begira $1). Ez ezazu sakatu bidaltzeko botoia zure idatzia, baimenik gabe eta zure nahiaren aurka hedatzen ikustea nahi ez baduzu. Zu ere, idatzia zure kabuz idatzi duzula, edo publikora zabaldutako leku batetik ateratzen ari zarela agintzen ari zara. EZ EZAZU COPYRIGHT BATEN MENPEAN DAGOEN LANA BAIMENIK GABE ERABILI! | |||||
Couldn't remove item '$1'... |
⧼Couldntremove⧽ | |||||
Create new account |
Kontua sortu | |||||
by email |
Erabili behin-behineko pasahitz ausazko bat eta bidali agertzen den e-posta helbidera | |||||
cur |
azk | |||||
Current events |
Albisteak | |||||
Current revision |
Azken eguneratzea | |||||
Database error |
Datu-base errorea | |||||
Date format |
⧼Dateformat⧽ | |||||
A database query syntax error has occurred. This could be because of an illegal search query (see $5), or it may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was: <blockquote><tt>$1</tt></blockquote> from within function "<tt>$2</tt>". MySQL returned error "<tt>$3: $4</tt>". |
⧼Dberrortext⧽ | |||||
A database query syntax error has occurred. The last attempted database query was: "$1" from within function "$2". MySQL returned error "$3: $4". |
⧼Dberrortextcl⧽ | |||||
Dead-end pages |
Orrialde itsuak | |||||
Debug |
⧼Debug⧽ | |||||
Search in these namespaces by default: |
⧼Defaultns⧽ | |||||
Wiktionary e-mail |
Wiktionary e-posta "$1" lankideak | |||||
Delete |
Ezabatu | |||||
Reason for deletion |
Arrazoia: | |||||
deleted "$1" |
deleted "$1" | |||||
"$1" has been deleted. See $2 for a record of recent deletions. |
"$1" ezabatu egin da. Ikus $2 azken ezabaketen erregistroa ikusteko. | |||||
del |
⧼Deleteimg⧽ | |||||
Delete page |
Orrialdea ezabatu | |||||
(Deleting "$1") |
⧼Deletesub⧽ | |||||
Delete this page |
Orria ezabatu | |||||
deletion log |
ezabaketa erregistroa | |||||
Deletion_log |
Ezabaketa erregistroa | |||||
Below is a list of the most recent deletions. All times shown are server time (UTC). <ul> </ul> |
Behean ageri da azken ezabaketen zerrenda. | |||||
For developer use only |
⧼Developerspheading⧽ | |||||
The action you have requested can only be performed by users with "developer" status. See $1. |
⧼Developertext⧽ | |||||
Developer access required |
⧼Developertitle⧽ | |||||
diff |
ezb | |||||
(Difference between revisions) |
⧼Difference⧽ | |||||
Disambiguation pages |
⧼Disambiguations⧽ | |||||
Wiktionary:Links_to_disambiguating_pages |
⧼Disambiguationspage⧽ | |||||
The following pages link to a <i>disambiguation page</i>. They should link to the appropriate topic instead.<br />A page is treated as dismbiguation if it is linked from $1.<br />Links from other namespaces are <i>not</i> listed here. |
⧼Disambiguationstext⧽ | |||||
Wiktionary:General_disclaimer |
Project:Erantzukizunen mugaketa orokorra | |||||
Disclaimers |
Mugaketak | |||||
Double Redirects |
Birbideratze bikoitzak | |||||
<b>Attention:</b> This list may contain false positives. That usually means there is additional text with links below the first #REDIRECT.<br /> Each row contains links to the first and second redirect, as well as the first line of the second redirect text, usually giving the "real" target page, which the first redirect should point to. |
Lerro bakoitzean lehen eta bigarren birzuzenketetarako loturak ikus daitezke, eta baita edukia daukan edo eduki beharko lukeen orrialderako lotura ere. Lehen birzuzenketak azken honetara | |||||
Edit |
Aldatu | |||||
The edit comment was: "<i>$1</i>". |
Aldaketaren laburpena: $1. | |||||
Edit conflict: $1 |
Edizio gatazka: $1 | |||||
Edit the current version of this page |
⧼Editcurrent⧽ | |||||
Editing help |
Editatzeko laguntza | |||||
Help:Editing |
Wiktionary:Editatzeko laguntza | |||||
Editing $1 |
"$1" editatzen | |||||
<strong>WARNING: You are editing an out-of-date revision of this page. If you save it, any changes made since this revision will be lost.</strong> |
KONTUZ: Artikulu honen bertsio zahar bat aldatzen ari zara. Gordetzen baduzu, bertsio hau baino geroago egindako aldaketa guztiak ezabatuko dira. | |||||
edit |
editatu | |||||
Edit this page |
Orria editatu | |||||
Disable e-mail from other users |
⧼Emailflag⧽ | |||||
Fields marked with a star (*) are optional. Storing an email address enables people to contact you through the website without you having to reveal your email address to them, and it can be used to send you a new password if you forget it.<br /><br />Your real name, if you choose to provide it, will be used for giving you attribution for your work. |
⧼Emailforlost⧽ | |||||
From |
Nork: | |||||
Message |
Mezua: | |||||
E-mail user |
⧼Emailpage⧽ | |||||
If this user has entered a valid e-mail address in his or her user preferences, the form below will send a single message. The e-mail address you entered in your user preferences will appear as the "From" address of the mail, so the recipient will be able to reply. |
Erabiltzaile honek baliozko e-posta helbide bat ezarri badu bere hobespenetan, beheko formularioa erabiliz mezu bat bidal dakioke. Hobespenetan daukazun e-posta helbidea azalduko da mezuaren bidaltzaile bezala eta beraz erantzun ahal izango dizu. | |||||
Send |
Mezua | |||||
E-mail sent |
Mezua bidali da | |||||
Your e-mail message has been sent. |
Zure mezu elektronikoa bidali da. | |||||
Subject |
Gaia: | |||||
To |
Nori: | |||||
E-mail this user |
Erabiltzaile honi e-posta bidali | |||||
Enter a reason for the lock, including an estimate of when the lock will be released |
Zehaztu blokeatzeko arrazoia, noiz kenduko den jakinaraziz | |||||
Error |
Errorea | |||||
Error |
Errorea | |||||
content before blanking was: |
hustu aurreko edukiera: '$1' | |||||
page was empty |
⧼Exblank⧽ | |||||
content was: |
edukia hau zen: '$1' | |||||
Someone else has changed this page since you started editing it. The upper text area contains the page text as it currently exists. Your changes are shown in the lower text area. You will have to merge your changes into the existing text. <b>Only</b> the text in the upper text area will be saved when you press "Save page". <p> |
Zu orrialdea aldatzen hasi ondoren beste norbaitek ere aldaketak egin ditu. Goiko testu koadroan ikus daiteke orrialdeak uneotan duen edukia. Zure aldaketak beheko testu koadroan ikus daitezke. Zure testua dagoenarekin elkartu beharko duzu. Orrialdea gordetzeko erabakitzen duzun unean goiko koadroko edukia bakarrik gordeko da. | |||||
Export pages |
Orrialdeak esportatu | |||||
Include only the current revision, not the full history |
Oraingo berrikuspena bakarrik hartu, ez historia guztia | |||||
You can export the text and editing history of a particular page or set of pages wrapped in some XML; this can then be imported into another wiki running MediaWiki software, transformed, or just kept for your private amusement. |
Orrialde bat edo batzuen testua eta historia esportatu dezakezu XML fitxategi batzuetan. Ondoren, MediaWiki erabiltzen duen beste wiki baten jarri dezakezu import page orrialdea erabiliz. Orrialdeak esportatzeko zehaztu hauen izenburuak beheko koadroan, izenburu bat lerroko, eta aukeratu zein bertsio esportatu nahi dituzun. Horrez gain, lotura zuzena ere erabil dezakezu; adibidez, Berezi:Esportatu/Azala "Azala" orrialdearentzako. | |||||
http://www.example.com link title |
⧼Extlink_sample⧽ | |||||
External link (remember http:// prefix) |
⧼Extlink_tip⧽ | |||||
Maiz egindako galderak | |||||
Wiktionary:FAQ |
Project:Maiz egindako galderak | |||||
Feed: |
⧼Feedlinks⧽ | |||||
Could not copy file "$1" to "$2". |
Ezin izan da "$1" fitxategia "$2"(e)ra kopiatu. | |||||
Could not delete file "$1". |
Ezin izan da "$1" fitxategia ezabatu. | |||||
Summary |
Laburpena | |||||
Filename |
Fitxategi izena | |||||
Could not find file "$1". |
Ezin izan da "$1" fitxategia aurkitu. | |||||
Could not rename file "$1" to "$2". |
Ezin izan zaio "$1" fitxategiari "$2" izen berria eman. | |||||
Source |
Jatorria: | |||||
Copyright status |
Copyright egoera: | |||||
File "$1" uploaded successfully. Please follow this link: $2 to the description page and fill in information about the file, such as where it came from, when it was created and by whom, and anything else you may know about it. |
⧼Fileuploaded⧽ | |||||
Error: could not submit form |
Errorea: ezin izan da formularioa bidali. | |||||
From Wiktionary |
⧼Fromwikipedia⧽ | |||||
fetching image list |
⧼Getimagelist⧽ | |||||
Go |
Joan | |||||
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Nabigatzailetik jaso | |||||
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Goiburuko | |||||
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2garren maila goiburuko | |||||
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Laguntza | |||||
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Wiktionary:Laguntza | |||||
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Legenda: betsionen artean desberdintasunak: (azk) = azkena, (aur) = aurrekoa; t = edikateka txikiak | |||||
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Orriaren historia | |||||
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Lerro horizontal (neurritasunaz) | |||||
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Oharra ezikusi eta fitxategia gorde. | |||||
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⧼Ilshowmatch⧽ | |||||
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Bilatu | |||||
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Adibide.png | |||||
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⧼Image_tip⧽ | |||||
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Fitxategiaren erabilera | |||||
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⧼Imagelist⧽ | |||||
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Jarraian duzu $2(e)z ordenatutako $1 fitxategiren zerrenda. | |||||
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Ikusi fitxategiaren orria | |||||
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⧼Imagereverted⧽ | |||||
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⧼Imgdelete⧽ | |||||
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⧼Imgdesc⧽ | |||||
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⧼Imghistlegend⧽ | |||||
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⧼Imghistory⧽ | |||||
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⧼Imglegend⧽ | |||||
Import pages |
Orrialdeak inportatu | |||||
Import failed: $1 |
Inportazioak huts egin du: $1 | |||||
Conflicting history revision exists (may have imported this page before) |
⧼Importhistoryconflict⧽ | |||||
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⧼Importnotext⧽ | |||||
Import succeeded! |
Inportazioa burutu da! | |||||
Please export the file from the source wiki using the Special:Export utility, save it to your disk and upload it here. |
Mesedez, jatorrizko wikitik orrialdea esportatzeko esportazio tresna erabil ezazu, zure diskoan gorde eta jarraian hona igo. | |||||
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⧼Infobox⧽ | |||||
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⧼Infobox_alert⧽ | |||||
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Barne errorea | |||||
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⧼Intl⧽ | |||||
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Baliogabeko IP eremua. | |||||
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Aldiaren bukaerako data ez da baliozkoa. | |||||
Expiry |
⧼Ipbexpiry⧽ | |||||
List of blocked IP addresses and usernames |
Blokeatutako erabiltzaileak | |||||
Reason |
Arrazoia: | |||||
Block this user |
Blokeatu erabiltzaile hau | |||||
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Blokeoa ezabatu | |||||
"$1" unblocked |
⧼Ipusuccess⧽ | |||||
⧼Isbn⧽ | |||||
redirect page |
birbideratze orrialdea | |||||
Italic text |
Etzana | |||||
Italic text |
Etzana | |||||
Problem with item '$1', invalid name... |
⧼Iteminvalidname⧽ | |||||
It is recommended that images not exceed 100k in size. |
⧼Largefile⧽ | |||||
last |
aur | |||||
This page was last modified $1. |
⧼Lastmodified⧽ | |||||
This page was last modified $1 by $2. |
⧼Lastmodifiedby⧽ | |||||
Line $1: |
$1. lerroa: | |||||
Link title |
⧼Link_sample⧽ | |||||
Internal link |
⧼Link_tip⧽ | |||||
(List of links) |
⧼Linklistsub⧽ | |||||
The following pages link to here: |
«$2» orriranzko esteka dute dute hauek: | |||||
The following pages link to this image: |
Fitxategi hau darabilte ondorengo $1 orri hauek: | |||||
/^([a-z]+)(.*)$/sD |
⧼Linktrail⧽ | |||||
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⧼Listform⧽ | |||||
User list |
Erabiltzaileen zerrenda | |||||
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⧼Loadhist⧽ | |||||
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⧼Loadingrev⧽ | |||||
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Ordu lokala: | |||||
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Blokeatu datu basea | |||||
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Bai, datu-basea blokeatu nahi dut | |||||
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Blokeatu datu basea | |||||
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Datu-basea blokeatu da | |||||
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Datu-basea blokeatu egin da. | |||||
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Datu-basea blokeatzeak edozein erabiltzailek orrialdeak aldatzea, hobespenak aldatzea, jarraipen zerrendan aldaketak egitea, eta datu-basean edozein aldaketa behar duen edozein ekintza galaraziko du. Mesedez, baieztatu zure asmoa hori dela, eta blokeoa kenduko duzula mantenua burutu ondoren. | |||||
You did not check the confirmation box. |
Ez duzu baieztapen kutxa hautatu. | |||||
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Izena eman/Saio-hasiera | |||||
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Errorea saioa hastean | |||||
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Saioa hasi duzu Wiktionary(e)n "$1" izenarekin. | |||||
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Zure saioa amaitu duzu.
Izena eman gabe wikipedia erabiltzen jarraitu ahal duzu, edo izen berdin edo bestearekin beste saioa hasi ahal duzu. | |||||
User logout |
⧼Logouttitle⧽ | |||||
Orphaned pages |
Orri umezurtzak | |||||
Long pages |
Orri luzeak | |||||
WARNING: This page is $1 kilobytes long; some browsers may have problems editing pages approaching or longer than 32kb. Please consider breaking the page into smaller sections. |
⧼Longpagewarning⧽ | |||||
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Errorea mezua bidaltzerakoan: $1 | |||||
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Pasahitza berrezarri | |||||
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Bidalketa helbiderik ez | |||||
You must be <a href="{{localurl:Special:Userlogin">logged in</a> and have a valid e-mail address in your <a href="/wiki/Special:Preferences">preferences</a> to send e-mail to other users. |
Beste erabiltzaileei e-posta mezuak bidaltzeko saioa hasi eta baliozko e-posta helbidea behar duzu izan zure hobespenetan. | |||||
Main Page |
Azala | |||||
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⧼Maintnancepagetext⧽ | |||||
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⧼Makesysop⧽ | |||||
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⧼Makesysopfail⧽ | |||||
Name of the user: |
⧼Makesysopname⧽ | |||||
<b>User "$1" is now a sysop</b> |
⧼Makesysopok⧽ | |||||
Make this user into a sysop |
⧼Makesysopsubmit⧽ | |||||
This form is used by bureaucrats to turn ordinary users into administrators. Type the name of the user in the box and press the button to make the user an administrator |
⧼Makesysoptext⧽ | |||||
Make a user into a sysop |
⧼Makesysoptitle⧽ | |||||
The query "$1" matched $2 page titles and the text of $3 pages. |
⧼Matchtotals⧽ | |||||
Rendering math |
⧼Math⧽ | |||||
Can't write to or create math output directory |
⧼Math_bad_output⧽ | |||||
Can't write to or create math temp directory |
⧼Math_bad_tmpdir⧽ | |||||
Failed to parse |
Interpretazio errorea | |||||
PNG conversion failed; check for correct installation of latex, dvips, gs, and convert |
⧼Math_image_error⧽ | |||||
lexing error |
⧼Math_lexing_error⧽ | |||||
Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to configure. |
⧼Math_notexvc⧽ | |||||
Insert formula here |
⧼Math_sample⧽ | |||||
syntax error |
sintaxi errorea | |||||
Mathematical formula (LaTeX) |
⧼Math_tip⧽ | |||||
unknown error |
errore ezezaguna | |||||
unknown function |
"$1" funtzio ezezaguna | |||||
Example.mp3 |
⧼Media_sample⧽ | |||||
Media file link |
⧼Media_tip⧽ | |||||
Image names must be at least three letters. |
⧼Minlength⧽ | |||||
This is a minor edit |
Edizio txikia | |||||
M |
t | |||||
Pages with misspellings |
⧼Mispeelings⧽ | |||||
List of common misspellings |
⧼Mispeelingspage⧽ | |||||
The following pages contain a common misspelling, which are listed on $1. The correct spelling might be given (like this). |
⧼Mispeelingstext⧽ | |||||
The database did not find the text of a page that it should have found, named "$1". <p>This is usually caused by following an outdated diff or history link to a page that has been deleted. <p>If this is not the case, you may have found a bug in the software. Please report this to an administrator, making note of the URL. |
⧼Missingarticle⧽ | |||||
<b>Missing image</b><br /><i>$1</i> |
⧼Missingimage⧽ | |||||
Missing Language Links |
⧼Missinglanguagelinks⧽ | |||||
Find missing language links for |
⧼Missinglanguagelinksbutton⧽ | |||||
These pages do <i>not</i> link to their counterpart in $1. Redirects and subpages are <i>not</i> shown. |
⧼Missinglanguagelinkstext⧽ | |||||
More... |
Gehiago... | |||||
Move |
Mugitu | |||||
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⧼Movenologin⧽ | |||||
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Orrialde bat mugitzeko erregistratutako lankidea izan behar duzu eta saioa hasi. | |||||
Move page |
⧼Movepage⧽ | |||||
Move page |
Orriaren izenburua aldatu | |||||
The associated talk page, if any, will be automatically moved along with it '''unless:'''
In those cases, you will have to move or merge the page manually if desired. |
Kutxa hau egiaztatzen baduzu, dagokion eztabaida orrialdea beste izenburu batera mugituko da, hutsik dagoen eztabaida orrialde bat izen berrian existitzen ez bada.
| |||||
Using the form below will rename a page, moving all of its history to the new name. The old title will become a redirect page to the new title. Links to the old page title will not be changed; be sure to [[Special:Maintenance|check]] for double or broken redirects. You are responsible for making sure that links continue to point where they are supposed to go. Note that the page will '''not''' be moved if there is already a page at the new title, unless it is empty or a redirect and has no past edit history. This means that you can rename a page back to where it was just renamed from if you make a mistake, and you cannot overwrite an existing page. <b>WARNING!</b> This can be a drastic and unexpected change for a popular page; please be sure you understand the consequences of this before proceeding. |
Inprimaki hau erabiliz, orri baten izena aldatuko da, eta haren historia izen berrira eramango. Izenburu zaharra izenburu berrirantz birbideratutako orri bihurtuko da. Jatorrizko izenburura doazen birbideratzeak automatikoki egunera ditzakezu. Halako eguneratze automatikorik ez egitea aukeratzen baduzu, egiazta itzazu birbideratze bikoitzak eta apurtuak. Zure ardura da loturak behar den tokirantz bideratzea. Gogoan izan ezazu ezazu: orriaren izena ez da aldatuko baldin jarri nahi duzun izenburua duen orria dagoeneko sortuta badago, salbu eta historiarik gabeko birbideratze orri bat bada. Hau da, nahasten baldin bazara, mugitu duzun orria lehengo izenburura itzultzeko modua badago, eta ezin duzun lehendik sortuta dagoen orri bat gainidatzi. Kontuz! Oso erabilia den orri batean, aldaketa hau bat-batekoa eta ustekabekoa izan liteke; zalantzarik baldin baduzu, lehenbizi adieraz ezazu zure asmoa eztabaida orrian, beste wikilarien iritziak jasotzeko. | |||||
Move "talk" page as well, if applicable. |
Eztabaida orrialdea ere mugitu, ahal bada. | |||||
Move this page |
Izenburua aldatu | |||||
My contributions |
Nire ekarpenak | |||||
My page |
Orrialdea | |||||
My talk |
Eztabaida | |||||
Navigation |
Nabigazioa | |||||
$1 bytes |
$1 byte | |||||
$1 changes |
$1 aldaketa | |||||
(New) |
(Berria) | |||||
You've followed a link to a page that doesn't exist yet. To create the page, start typing in the box below (see the [[Wiktionary:Help|help page]] for more info). If you are here by mistake, just click your browser's '''back''' button. |
Orri hau ez dago datu-basean; artikulua hastea nahi baduzu, testu lehioan idatzi dezakezu (Mesedez, zure lehen bisita bada, irakurri lehen Laguntza orria). Honaino nahigabe helduz gero, zure arakatzaileko atzera botoia sakatu. | |||||
You have $1. |
⧼Newmessages⧽ | |||||
new messages |
⧼Newmessageslink⧽ | |||||
New page |
Orri berria | |||||
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B | |||||
New pages |
Orri berriak | |||||
New password |
Pasahitz berria: | |||||
To new title |
Izenburu berria: | |||||
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⧼Newusersonly⧽ | |||||
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hurrengoa | |||||
next $1 |
hurrengo $1ak | |||||
$1 links |
$1 esteka | |||||
You must affirm that your upload does not violate any copyrights. |
⧼Noaffirmation⧽ | |||||
(There is currently no text in this page) |
Oraindik ez dago testurik orri honetan. Edukiz hornitzeko, aukera hauek dituzu: beste orri batzuetan orri izenburu hau bilatzea, lotutako logak bilatzea, edo orri hau sortzea. | |||||
You must supply a reason for the block. |
⧼Noblockreason⧽ | |||||
Sorry! The wiki is experiencing some technical difficulties, and cannot contact the database server. |
⧼Noconnect⧽ | |||||
No changes were found matching these criteria. |
Ez da ezaugarri horiekin bat datorren aldaketarik aurkitu. | |||||
Wiktionary uses cookies to log in users. You have cookies disabled. Please enable them and try again. |
Wiktionary(e)k cookieak erabiltzen ditu saioekin eta ezgaituta dauzkazu. Gaitu itzazu mesedez, eta saiatu berriz. | |||||
The user account was created, but you are not logged in. Wiktionary uses cookies to log in users. You have cookies disabled. Please enable them, then log in with your new username and password. |
Erabiltzaile kontua sortu da, baina ez da saioa hasi. Wiktionary(e)k cookieak erabiltzen ditu saioekin eta ezgaituta dauzkazu. Gaitu itzazu mesedez, eta ondoren saiatu saioa hasten zure erabiltzaile izen eta pasahitz berriak erabiliz. | |||||
Creative Commons RDF metadata disabled for this server. |
⧼Nocreativecommons⧽ | |||||
Could not select database $1 |
⧼Nodb⧽ | |||||
Dublin Core RDF metadata disabled for this server. |
⧼Nodublincore⧽ | |||||
There is no e-mail address recorded for user "$1". |
Ez dago "$1" erabiltzailearen e-posta helbiderik gordeta. | |||||
This user has not specified a valid e-mail address, or has chosen not to receive e-mail from other users. |
Erabiltzaile honek ez du baliozko e-posta helbiderik zehaztu. | |||||
No e-mail address |
Posta helbiderik ez | |||||
No page with this exact title exists, trying full text search. |
⧼Nogomatch⧽ | |||||
There is no edit history for this page. |
Orrialde honek ez dauka aldaketa historiarik. | |||||
No pages link to here. |
Ez dago «$2» orriranzko esteka duen orririk. | |||||
There are no pages that link to this image. |
Ez dago fitxategi hau darabilen orririk. | |||||
You have not specified a valid user name. |
Lankide izena ez duzu eman. | |||||
<strong>Note</strong>: unsuccessful searches are often caused by searching for common words like "have" and "from", which are not indexed, or by specifying more than one search term (only pages containing all of the search terms will appear in the result). |
⧼Nonefound⧽ | |||||
You have requested a special page that is not recognized by the wiki. |
Orri berezi baliogabe bat eskatu duzu. Bada orri berezien zerrenda bat, Orri bereziak orrian. | |||||
No such action |
Ekintza hori ez da existitzen | |||||
The action specified by the URL is not recognized by the wiki |
URL bidez zehaztutako ekintza okerra da. URLa gaizki idatzi duzu, edo hautsitako lotura jarraitu duzu. Honek akatsa indikatzen du Wiktionary-(e)n. | |||||
No such special page |
Orri berezi hori ez existitzen | |||||
There is no user by the name "$1". Check your spelling, or use the form below to create a new user account. |
Ez dago "$1" izena duen lankiderik. Lankide izenak zehatza izan behar du. Egiaztatu ondo idatzi duzun, edo kontu berria sor ezazu. | |||||
The wiki server can't provide data in a format your client can read. |
⧼Notacceptable⧽ | |||||
Not a content page |
Ez da eduki orrialdea | |||||
You have not specified a target page or user to perform this function on. |
Ez duzu zehaztu eragiketa hau zein orri edo erabiltzaileri egin behar zaion. | |||||
No target |
Helburu orrialderik ez | |||||
<strong>Note:</strong> |
Oharra: | |||||
No page text matches |
Ez dago bat datorren orrialde testurik | |||||
No page title matches |
⧼Notitlematches⧽ | |||||
Not logged in |
Saioa hasi gabe | |||||
You have no items on your watchlist. |
Zure segimendu zerrenda hutsik dago. | |||||
Insert non-formatted text here |
⧼Nowiki_sample⧽ | |||||
Ignore wiki formatting |
⧼Nowiki_tip⧽ | |||||
Category |
Kategoria | |||||
Help |
Laguntza orrialdea | |||||
Image |
Fitxategia | |||||
Article |
Orrialdea | |||||
Media |
Media orrialdea | |||||
Message |
Mezua | |||||
Special |
Orri berezia | |||||
Template |
Txantiloi | |||||
User page |
Erabiltzaile orria | |||||
About |
⧼Nstab-wp⧽ | |||||
⧼Nviews⧽ | |||||
OK |
Ados | |||||
Old password |
Pasahitz zaharra: | |||||
orig |
⧼Orig⧽ | |||||
Orphaned pages |
Orri umezurtzak | |||||
Based on work by $1. |
$1(r)en lanean oinarrituta. | |||||
Other languages |
Beste hizkuntzak | |||||
Move succeeded |
Mugimendua eginda | |||||
Page "[[$1]]" moved to "[[$2]]". |
"$1"-ren izenburua "$2"-en truke aldatu da. | |||||
$1 - Wiktionary |
$1 - Wikiztegia | |||||
Someone (probably you, from IP address $1) requested that we send you a new Wiktionary login password. The password for user "$2" is now "$3". You should log in and change your password now. |
Norbaitek (zu seguruenik, IP $1 helbidetik) Wiktionaryn saio berria hasteko pasahitza bidaltzea eskatu du. \"$2\" lankidearen pasahitza orain \"$3\" da. Mesedez, hasi saioa eta pasahitz hau berri baten truke aldatu. | |||||
Password reminder from Wiktionary |
Wiktionaryren pasahitz oroigarria | |||||
A new password has been sent to the e-mail address registered for "$1". Please log in again after you receive it. |
Pasahitz oroigarria \"$1\"-ren helbide elektronikora bidali dugu. Mesedez hasi saioa pasahitza hartu bezain laster. | |||||
The following data is cached and may not be completely up to date: |
Hurrengo datuak katxean gordeta daude eta litekeena da guztiz eguneratuta ez egotea. Gehienez $1 emaitza daude eskuragarri katxean. | |||||
Sorry! This feature has been temporarily disabled because it slows the database down to the point that no one can use the wiki. |
⧼Perfdisabled⧽ | |||||
Here's a saved copy from $1: |
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Aurreikuspenak aldaketen koadroan idatzitako testua erakusten du, gorde ondoren agertuko den bezala. | |||||
Remember that this is only a preview, and has not yet been saved! |
Gogoratu hau aurreikusketa bat dela, beraz gorde egin beharko duzu! | |||||
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aurreko $1ak | |||||
Printable version |
Inprimatzeko bertsio | |||||
(From http://eu.wiktionary.org) |
⧼Printsubtitle⧽ | |||||
Protect |
Babestu | |||||
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Arrazoia: | |||||
protected [[$1]] |
protected "$1" | |||||
Protected page |
Babestutako orrialdea | |||||
WARNING: This page has been locked so that only users with sysop privileges can edit it. Be sure you are following the <a href='/w/wiki.phtml/Wiktionary:Protected_page_guidelines'>protected page guidelines</a>. |
Oharra: Orri hau blokeatua dago administratzaileek soilik eraldatu ahal dezaten. Azken erregistroa ondoren ikusgai dago erreferentzia gisa: | |||||
This page has been locked to prevent editing; there are a number of reasons why this may be so, please see [[Wiktionary:Protected page]]. You can view and copy the source of this page: |
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Babes erregistroa | |||||
Below is a list of page locks/unlocks. See [[Wiktionary:Protected page]] for more information. |
Orri-babesteen zerrenda ageri da jarraian. Ikus orri babestuen zerrenda, orain indarrean dauden orri babesen zerrenda ikusteko. | |||||
Protect page |
Protect a page | |||||
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Babestu orri hau | |||||
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Proxy blokeatzailea | |||||
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Zure IP helbidea blokeatu egin da proxy ireki baten zaudelako. Mesedez, zure Interneteko Zerbitzu Hornitzailearekin harremanetan jar zaitez segurtasun arazo honetaz ohartarazteko. | |||||
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⧼Proxyblocksuccess⧽ | |||||
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Nire orrialdeak | |||||
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Ausazko orria | |||||
The sysop ability to create range blocks is disabled. |
Administratzaileak IP eremuak blokeatzeko gaitasuna ezgaituta dago. | |||||
in $4 form; $1 minor edits; $2 secondary namespaces; $3 multiple edits. |
⧼Rchide⧽ | |||||
Show last $1 changes in last $2 days<br />$3 |
Erakutsi azken $1 aldaketak $2 egunetan. | |||||
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Erakutsi $1tik aldaketa berriak | |||||
| |||||
Loading recent changes |
Aldaketa berriak kargatzen | |||||
(to pages linked from "$1") |
⧼Rclsub⧽ | |||||
Below are the last <strong>$1</strong> changes in last <strong>$2</strong> days. |
Azken $1 aldaketak $2 egunetan erakusten. | |||||
Below are the changes since <b>$2</b> (up to <b>$1</b> shown). |
Jarraian azaltzen diren aldaketak data honetatik aurrerakoak dira: $3,$4 (gehienez $1 erakusten dira). | |||||
Database locked |
Datu-basea blokeatuta dago | |||||
The database is currently locked to new entries and other modifications, probably for routine database maintenance, after which it will be back to normal. The administrator who locked it offered this explanation: <p>$1 |
Datu-basea artikulu berriak sortu edo aldaketak ez egiteko blokeatuta dago, seguruenik mantenu lanak direla-eta. Blokeo hori kentzerakoan beti bezala egongo da berriz. Blokeatu duen administratzaileak azalpen hau eman du: $1 | |||||
WARNING: The database has been locked for maintenance, so you will not be able to save your edits right now. You may wish to cut-n-paste the text into a text file and save it for later. |
Oharra: Datu-basea blokeatu egin da mantenu lanak burutzeko, beraz ezingo dituzu orain zure aldaketak gorde.I Testua fitxategi baten kopiatu dezakezu, eta beranduago erabiltzeko gorde. Blokeatu zuen administratzaileak honako azalpena eman zuen: $1 | |||||
Recent changes |
Aldaketa berriak | |||||
Number of titles in recent changes |
Modu lehenetsian erakutsi beharreko zuzneketa kopurua azken aldaketa, orrialdeen historia eta erregistroetan: | |||||
Related changes |
Lotutako orrien aldaketak | |||||
Track the most recent changes to the wiki on this page. |
| |||||
(Redirected from $1) |
($1(e)tik birzuzenduta) | |||||
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Gogoratu pasahitza saio tartean (cookie gorde). | |||||
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"$1" eta haren eztabaida orrialdea zure jarraipen zerrendatik kendu da. | |||||
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⧼Removingchecked⧽ | |||||
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⧼Resetprefs⧽ | |||||
$1 deleted edits |
ezabatutako $1 aldaketa | |||||
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⧼Resultsperpage⧽ | |||||
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"$1"(e)tik jasota | |||||
Return to $1. |
$1(e)ra itzuli. | |||||
Retype new password |
Pasahitz berria berriz idatzi: | |||||
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⧼Reupload⧽ | |||||
Return to the upload form. |
Igotzeko formulariora itzuli. | |||||
Reverted to earlier revision |
Aurreko bertsiora lehengoratu da | |||||
rev |
⧼Revertimg⧽ | |||||
Reverted edit of $2, changed back to last version by $1 |
$2 (talk) wikilariaren aldaketak deseginda, edukia $1 wikilariaren azken bertsiora itzuli da. | |||||
Revision history |
⧼Revhistory⧽ | |||||
Revision as of $1 |
$1(e)ko berrikuspena | |||||
Revision not found |
⧼Revnotfound⧽ | |||||
The old revision of the page you asked for could not be found. Please check the URL you used to access this page. |
⧼Revnotfoundtext⧽ | |||||
http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc$1.html | ||||||
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⧼Rights⧽ | |||||
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Desegin aldaketak | |||||
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⧼Rollback_short⧽ | |||||
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Desegiteak huts egin dud | |||||
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desegin | |||||
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⧼Rows⧽ | |||||
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Orria gorde | |||||
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Zure hobespenak gorde egin dira. | |||||
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Fitxategia gorde | |||||
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Gorde | |||||
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Bilatu | |||||
<p>Sorry! Full text search has been disabled temporarily, for performance reasons. In the meantime, you can use the Google search below, which may be out of date.</p> |
Wiktionary(e)n ezgaituta dago bilaketa. Dena dela, Google erabiliz ere egin dezakezu bilaketa. Kontuan izan bertan dituzten Wiktionary(e)ko emaitzak zaharkituta egon daitezkeela. | |||||
Wiktionary:Searching |
Wiktionary:Bilaketak | |||||
Searching Wiktionary |
Bilatzen Wiktionaryn | |||||
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⧼Searchquery⧽ | |||||
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Bilaketaren emaitza | |||||
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Bilaketa | |||||
For more information about searching Wiktionary, see $1. |
⧼Searchresulttext⧽ | |||||
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(atal hautatua bakarrik) | |||||
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⧼Selflinkstext⧽ | |||||
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⧼Seriousxhtmlerrors⧽ | |||||
Server time is now |
Zerbitzariko ordua: | |||||
<b>User rights for "$1" could not be set. (Did you enter the name correctly?)</b> |
⧼Set_rights_fail⧽ | |||||
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⧼Set_user_rights⧽ | |||||
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⧼Setbureaucratflag⧽ | |||||
Short pages |
Artikulu laburrak | |||||
show |
erakutsi | |||||
$1 minor edits | $2 bots | $3 logged in users |
$1 editaketa txikiak | |||||
Showing below <b>$1</b> results starting with #<b>$2</b>. |
⧼Showingresults⧽ | |||||
Showing below <b>$3</b> results starting with #<b>$2</b>. |
⧼Showingresultsnum⧽ | |||||
Show last $1 images sorted $2. |
⧼Showlast⧽ | |||||
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Aurrebista erakutsi | |||||
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erakutsi | |||||
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⧼Sig_tip⧽ | |||||
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Gunearen estatistikak | |||||
There are '''$1''' total pages in the database. This includes "talk" pages, pages about Wiktionary, minimal "stub" pages, redirects, and others that probably don't qualify as content pages. Excluding those, there are '''$2''' pages that are probably legitimate content pages. There have been a total of '''$3''' page views, and '''$4''' page edits since the wiki was setup. That comes to '''$5''' average edits per page, and '''$6''' views per edit. |
Datu-basean guztira $1 orri daude; eztabaidatzeko, wikipedari buruzko orriak, redirect-k eta artikulu laburrak barne hartzen. Horiek baztertzen, $2 artikulu dira datu-basean.There have been a total of $3 page views, and $4 page edits since the software was upgraded (July 20, 2002). That comes to $5 average edits per page, and $6 views per edit. | |||||
The Free Encyclopedia | ||||||
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Dohaintzak | |||||
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Wiktionary | |||||
Wiktionary user $1 |
Wiktionary(e)ko $1 erabiltzailea | |||||
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Wiktionary(e)ko $1 erabiltzaileak | |||||
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⧼Skin⧽ | |||||
The page you wanted to save was blocked by the spam filter. This is probably caused by a link to an external site. You might want to check the following regular expression for patterns that are currently blocked: |
Gorde nahi duzun orrialdea spam iragazkiak blokeatu zuen. Baliteke zerrenda beltzean dagoen kanpo lotura batek sortzea arazo hori. | |||||
Spam protection filter |
Spam-arengandik babesteko iragazkia | |||||
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Orrialde berezia | |||||
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Orri bereziak | |||||
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⧼Spheading⧽ | |||||
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⧼Sqlislogged⧽ | |||||
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⧼Sqlquery⧽ | |||||
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Estatistikak | |||||
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Gordetako bertsioa | |||||
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⧼Stubthreshold⧽ | |||||
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Azpikategoriak | |||||
Subject/headline |
Gaia: | |||||
View subject |
⧼Subjectpage⧽ | |||||
Successful upload |
⧼Successfulupload⧽ | |||||
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Laburpen | |||||
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⧼Sysopspheading⧽ | |||||
The action you have requested can only be performed by users with "sysop" status. See $1. |
⧼Sysoptext⧽ | |||||
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Sysop izatea behar da | |||||
table |
taula | |||||
Discussion |
Eztabaida | |||||
The page itself was moved successfully, but the talk page could not be moved because one already exists at the new title. Please merge them manually. |
⧼Talkexists⧽ | |||||
Discuss this page |
⧼Talkpage⧽ | |||||
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⧼Talkpagemoved⧽ | |||||
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⧼Talkpagenotmoved⧽ | |||||
<!-- MediaWiki:talkpagetext --> | ||||||
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Aurkibide | |||||
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azken aldaketa | |||||
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Erabiltzailea desblokeatu | |||||
Use the form below to restore write access to a previously blocked IP address or username. |
Erabili beheko formularioa lehenago blokeatutako IP helbide edo erabiltzaile baten idazketa baimenak leheneratzeko. | |||||
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blokeoa kendu | |||||
unblocked "$1" |
unblocked $1 | |||||
Restore deleted page |
Orria ezabatuta berreskuratu | |||||
Undelete $1 edits |
Berreskuratu $1 aldaketa | |||||
Restore deleted page |
⧼Undeletearticle⧽ | |||||
Restore! |
Leheneratu | |||||
restored "$1" |
undeleted "$1" | |||||
[[$1]] has been successfully restored. See [[Wiktionary:Deletion_log]] for a record of recent deletions and restorations. |
⧼Undeletedtext⧽ | |||||
If you restore the page, all revisions will be restored to the history. If a new page with the same name has been created since the deletion, the restored revisions will appear in the prior history, and the current revision of the live page will not be automatically replaced. |
Orrialdea leheneratzen baduzu, berrikuspena guztiak leheneratuko dira historian. Ezabatu ondoren izen berdina duen orrialde berri bat sortzen bada leheneratutako berrikuspenak azalduko dira historian. | |||||
View and restore deleted pages |
Ezabatutako orrialdeak ikusi eta leheneratu | |||||
The following pages have been deleted but are still in the archive and can be restored. The archive may be periodically cleaned out. |
Jarraian zerrendatzen diren orrialdeak ezabatu dira baina oraindik artxiboan gordeta daude eta leheneratu egin daitezke. Artxiboa noizean behin hustu egin liteke. | |||||
Deleted revision as of $1 |
⧼Undeleterevision⧽ | |||||
$1 revisions archived |
$1 berrikuspenak ezabatua(k) | |||||
Unexpected value: "$1"="$2". |
Espero ez zen balioa: "$1"="$2". | |||||
Unlock database |
Datu-basea desblokeatu | |||||
Yes, I really want to unlock the database. |
Bai, datu-basea desblokeatu nahi dut | |||||
Unlock database |
Datu-basea desblokeatu | |||||
Database lock removed |
Datu-basearen blokeoa kendu da | |||||
The database has been unlocked. |
Datu-basea desblokeatu da. | |||||
Unlocking the database will restore the ability of all users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and other things requiring changes in the database. Please confirm that this is what you intend to do. |
Datu-basea desblokeatzerakoan erabiltzaile guztiek orrialdeak aldatu, beraien hobespenak ezarri, jarraipen zerrendan aldaketak egin eta beste eragiketa batzuk burutzeko gaitasuna leheneratuko du. Mesedez, baieztatu egin nahi duzuna hori dela. | |||||
Unprotect |
Babesa aldatu | |||||
Reason for unprotecting |
⧼Unprotectcomment⧽ | |||||
unprotected [[$1]] |
removed protection from "$1" | |||||
(Unprotecting "$1") |
⧼Unprotectsub⧽ | |||||
Unprotect this page |
Orrialde honen babesa aldatu | |||||
Unused images |
Irudi umezurtzak | |||||
<p>Please note that other web sites may link to an image with a direct URL, and so may still be listed here despite being in active use. |
Ondorengo fitxategiak existizen dira baina ez daude inongo orrietatik lotuta. Mesedez, kontuan izan beste webgune batzutatik URL zuzena erabiliz lotura izan dezaketela irudira, eta kasu horretan ez lirateke hemengo zerrendetan azalduko. | |||||
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Ez jarraitu | |||||
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Jarraitzeari utzi | |||||
(Updated) |
(Eguneratua) | |||||
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Fitxategia igo | |||||
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Fitxategia igo | |||||
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Igoerak ezgaituta daude | |||||
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uploaded "$1" | |||||
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Errorea igotzerakoan | |||||
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Igoera erregistroa | |||||
Below is a list of the most recent file uploads. All times shown are server time (UTC). <ul> </ul> |
Jarraian, igotako azken fitxategien zerrenda ageri da. Ikus ezazu fitxategi berrien galeria, irudizkoagoa den ikuspegi orokor bat izateko. | |||||
Not logged in |
Saioa hasi gabe | |||||
You must be <a href="/wiki/Special:Userlogin">logged in</a> to upload files. |
Fitxategiak igotzeko $1 behar duzu. | |||||
<strong>STOP!</strong> Before you upload here, make sure to read and follow the <a href="/wiki/Special:Image_use_policy">image use policy</a>. <p>If a file with the name you are specifying already exists on the wiki, it'll be replaced without warning. So unless you mean to update a file, it's a good idea to first check if such a file exists. <p>To view or search previously uploaded images, go to the <a href="/wiki/Special:Imagelist">list of uploaded images</a>. Uploads and deletions are logged on the <a href="/wiki/Wiktionary:Upload_log">upload log</a>. </p><p>Use the form below to upload new image files for use in illustrating your pages. On most browsers, you will see a "Browse..." button, which will bring up your operating system's standard file open dialog. Choosing a file will fill the name of that file into the text field next to the button. You must also check the box affirming that you are not violating any copyrights by uploading the file. Press the "Upload" button to finish the upload. This may take some time if you have a slow internet connection. <p>The preferred formats are JPEG for photographic images, PNG for drawings and other iconic images, and OGG for sounds. Please name your files descriptively to avoid confusion. To include the image in a page, use a link in the form <b>[[Image:file.jpg]]</b> or <b>[[Image:file.png|alt text]]</b> or <b>[[Media:file.ogg]]</b> for sounds. <p>Please note that as with wiki pages, others may edit or delete your uploads if they think it serves the project, and you may be blocked from uploading if you abuse the system. |
Fitxategiak igotzeko beheko formularioa erabil dezakezu. Aurretik igotako irudiak ikusi edo bilatzeko igotako fitxategien zerrendara jo. Igoerak igoera erregistroan ikus daitezke eta ezabatutakoak ezabaketa erregistroan zerrendatzen dira. Orrialde baten irudi bat txertatzeko, erabili kode hauetako bat:
| |||||
Upload warning |
Igotzeko oharra | |||||
<b>User rights for "$1" updated</b> |
⧼User_rights_set⧽ | |||||
'''Note:''' After saving, you have to tell your bowser to get the new version: '''Mozilla:''' click ''reload''(or ''ctrl-r''), '''IE / Opera:''' ''ctrl-f5'', '''Safari:''' ''cmd-r'', '''Konqueror''' ''ctrl-r''. |
⧼Usercssjs⧽ | |||||
<strong>Tip:</strong> Use the 'Show preview' button to test your new css/js before saving. |
⧼Usercssjsyoucanpreview⧽ | |||||
'''Remember that you are only previewing your user css, it has not yet been saved!''' |
Ez ahaztu zure CSS kodea aurreikusten zabiltzala. Oraindik gorde gabe dago! | |||||
The user name you entered is already in use. Please choose a different name. |
Beste lankide erabiltzen ari den izena eman duzu. Mesedez, beste izen aukeratu. | |||||
'''Remember that you are only testing/previewing your user javascript, it has not yet been saved!''' |
Gogoratu zure JavaScript kodea probatu/aurreikusten zabiltzala, oraindik ez da gorde! | |||||
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⧼Userlogin⧽ | |||||
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⧼Usermailererror⧽ | |||||
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⧼Userpage⧽ | |||||
User statistics |
Lankideen estatistikak | |||||
There are '''$1''' registered users. '''$2''' of these are administrators (see $3). |
$1 lankideek izena eman dute. $2 administratzaileak dira (ikusi $3). | |||||
Version |
Bertsioa | |||||
This page has been accessed $1 times. |
Orrialde hau $1 aldiz bisitatu da. | |||||
View ($1) ($2) ($3). |
Erakutsi ($1) ($2) ($3). | |||||
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Kodea ikusi | |||||
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Eztabaida erakutsi | |||||
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Orri eskatutakoenak | |||||
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Jarraitu | |||||
($1 pages watched not counting talk pages; $2 total pages edited since cutoff; $3... <a href='$4'>show and edit complete list</a>.) |
⧼Watchdetails⧽ | |||||
Here's an alphabetical list of your watched pages. Check the boxes of pages you want to remove from your watchlist and click the 'remove checked' button at the bottom of the screen. |
⧼Watcheditlist⧽ | |||||
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Segimendu zerrenda | |||||
Your watchlist contains $1 pages. |
Zure segimendu zerrenda $1 orri ditu. | |||||
(for user "$1") |
("$1" lankidearena) | |||||
checking watched pages for recent edits |
⧼Watchmethod-list⧽ | |||||
checking recent edits for watched pages |
⧼Watchmethod-recent⧽ | |||||
None of your watched items were edited in the time period displayed. |
⧼Watchnochange⧽ | |||||
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Saioa hasi gabe | |||||
You must be <a href="/wiki/Special:Userlogin">logged in</a> to modify your watchlist. |
⧼Watchnologintext⧽ | |||||
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Artikulua zelatatu | |||||
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Orria zelatatu | |||||
<h2>Welcome, $1!</h2><p>Your account has been created. Don't forget to change your Wiktionary preferences. |
Ongi etorri, $1!Zure kontua sotu duzu. Ez ahaztu zure hobespenak pertsonalizatu. | |||||
What links here |
Honekin lotzen diren orriak | |||||
To be allowed to create accounts in this Wiki you have to [[Special:Userlogin|log]] in and have the appropriate permissions. |
⧼Whitelistacctext⧽ | |||||
You are not allowed to create an account |
⧼Whitelistacctitle⧽ | |||||
You have to [[Special:Userlogin|login]] to edit pages. |
$1 behar duzu orrialdeak aldatu ahal izateko... | |||||
Login required to edit |
⧼Whitelistedittitle⧽ | |||||
You have to [[Special:Userlogin|login]] to read pages. |
⧼Whitelistreadtext⧽ | |||||
Login required to read |
⧼Whitelistreadtitle⧽ | |||||
View project page |
Erakutsi Meta-orria | |||||
Wiktionary |
⧼Wikititlesuffix⧽ | |||||
Below are the last $1 changes in the last <b>$2</b> hours. |
Jarraian ageri dira azken $2 orduko $1 aldaketak. Data: $3, $4. | |||||
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⧼Wlsaved⧽ | |||||
Show last $1 hours $2 days $3 |
⧼Wlshowlast⧽ | |||||
Incorrect parameters to wfQuery()<br /> Function: $1<br /> Query: $2 |
⧼Wrong_wfQuery_params⧽ | |||||
The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again. |
Pasahitza ez da zuzena. Saiatu berriro. | |||||
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Desberdintasunak | |||||
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Idatzi berriro pasahitza | |||||
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Benetako izena: | |||||
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Zure testu |